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Coconut Oil 17 benefits for Hair, Face & Body

                      coconut oil

Do you know any products that can benefit hair, face, body altogether? Isn't there coconut oil in your mind? Well, I can't think of any other product which can do multitasking like coconut oil. And why not?
Coconut oil, a known name to all of us. We use coconut for eating purposes. But are we aware of its benefits for our skin? Coconut oil is mostly used as a conditioner for both hair & skin. Its vitamin E formula makes it different compared to other products. But it has many benefits except as a conditioner. 

Let' explore of benefits of this oil for our skin.

                                             For Hair Oil

coconut oil
1. Deep Conditioning: The hair conditioner often contains coconut oil as it quickly penetrates the strands and can even prevent protein loss. But if you choose conditioner almost times, then that can affect negatively your hair. Cause, though it is a conditioner it also has chemicals that are not good for our hair. So try to use coconut oil sometimes instead of a hair conditioner. When you apply coconut oil to your hair, it simply nourishes your hair. I also use coconut oil as a hair conditioner which helps me to keep my hair naturally conditioned. 

2. Create A DIY Hair Mask: We can create a different type of hair mask with it. 
  • Mix 3 to 5 tablespoons of this oil with 20 drops of rosemary oil. Massage onto hair & cover with a shower cap. Allow it to relax for 30 to 60 minutes, then shampoo out.
  • Another hair mask is the honey & coconut oil combo. Take a little amount of honey, coconut oil, lemon. Mix it well and apply it to your hair. Take 15-20 minutes to absorb the mask into hair strands and wash it with lukewarm water or shampoo. 
3. Add Shine: Smooth a tiny amount of organic oil into the boundaries of your hair to combine a little shine if you have dark hair.

4. Minimize Dandruff: This oil can help lower the levels of yeast on the skin that drive inflammation, flaking & itching associated with dandruff. 
Flame 2 or 3 tablespoons of oil on the stove up a low flame. Once it liquifies, immediately remove it from the stove so it doesn't become too hot. Then, massage the oil into your scalp.

5. Help to grow your hair: It helps us grow our hair, which is unhealthy, thinner. The vitamins and essential fatty acids work here.

6. Works as pre-poo shampoo treatment: Many of the shampoos have harsh ingredients which damage our hair. But, we hold no option other than to use shampoo, So, you can use this oil before using shampoo. It will shield your hair from being damaged and rough after using shampoo.

7. Fixing split-ends: Who doesn't face the split-end problem of our hair? Yeah, split-end can happen for so many reasons like not caring about our hair, shampoo elements, using hair color, frequently changing hairstyles, etc. And if split- ends remains so many time, then it will entirely damage our hair. Don't worry! It can help here also. Rub it in the split-ends area from time to time. And see the fantastic result.

                                               For Face

skin care

8. Use As A Fast Step Face wash: This oil is naturally antibacterial, anti-fungal & moisturizing. Many women state by its use as a nightmare moisturizer for their face. Simply massage the oil in circular motions all over your face & neck, giving yourself a gentle massage as you go. When you are done, cleanse gain with your favorite gentle face wash to ensure all the residue is rinsed away.

9. Create A DIY Face Mask: Use 1/2 tbsp. Coconut oil,1/2 tbsp. Lemon juice,1 tbsp. Yogurt. Mix them all. Then apply a thick coat to your clean face & wait 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water & dry your face with a clean towel.

10. Remove Eye Makeup: It is also used as an eye makeup remover. Put a light on a cotton ball & gently sweep it over your eyes. Once you're done, clean your face as usual.

11. Use As A Eye cream: If you are dealing with dry under-eyes, whether from colder weather, dehydration or simply getting older, using a moisturizing eye cream can completely rejuvenate your complexion. Simply dab on a light layer of it to dry under the eyes to hydrate & protect the skin.

12. Make A DIY Lip Scrub: Instead of using a chemical-based lip scrub, you can make a lip scrub using this oil at home. Mix coconut oil, sugar & honey & then use it in your lip when it needs to exfoliate.

13. Make a DIY Lip Balm: You can use it as a lip balm also.

                                          For Skin & Body

skin care

14. Hydrate Dry Hands: Coconut oil can work on dry, itchy skin. Mostly when you have no lotion in your home, then you can use it.

15. Shave Your Legs: Such conventional shaving creams are primarily expensive, a mix of chemicals. But you can use coconut oil instead of it. Cause it is inexpensive, naturally antimicrobial & smells divine.

16. Use in place of lotion: Coconut oil is well known for its use in place of lotion.

17. Nourish Dry Cuticles: Messaging it into your cuticles & the skin around your nails can produce some much-needed moisture to an often neglected part of the body. And the benefit is, you will fend off cracked skin, hydrate brittle nails & prevent hangnails. It also powers the barrier lipids of our skin.

18. Restore skin surface: Using many chemicals-based cosmetics, we harm our precious skin. Gradually our skin loses its moisture and becomes dry. And if we leave it just like that, then may occur serious skin problems. So, it's high time to restore our skin surface. Use coconut oil or coconut-based products on the skin. Use regularly or add coconut oil to your skincare schedule to care for your skin. 

Need more hair & face homemade mask ideas?
Today, here is one hair mask for you. 
  • Take one or two bananas (as per hair length & volume) and mix them with yogurt. You have to mix it well otherwise it won't stand in your hair well. After mixing it use it in your full hair. From up to the bottom of the hair, use the mask smoothly. Then leave it for 30 minutes to 60 minutes or more 30 minutes( as required to absorb the mask). After that, wash it with shampoo. You can also skip the shampoo but if you do that there will be a kind of stinky smell in your hair. So it's better to wash it with shampoo. 

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